Jumat, 23 November 2012

He is a smoker but.....

Setiap pagi dikampus itu memang menyebalkan dan mengganggu. Seperti tadi pagi, sangat mengganggu dan membuat jengkel when everybody are smoking in front of or around me. Emang sih itu hak mereka tapi hak gw juga kan buat menghirup the fresh air? Apa mereka ga paham sama bahaya merokok? Or exactly they understand but they pretending?
Iya sih emang kampus itu tempat umum. Tapi kan sudah tertera dengan jelas dan terpampang besar larangan dilarang merokok. Don't they see that? Are they blind? Of course no! They heart are blind not their eyes. Ga tahan deh sama asap nya. Ampuuuuuun...
Do you know? My lovely boyfriend is a smokeeerrrr. Nah loh kan... Apa ini cobaan buat gw? I hate smoker but he is a smoker and i love him.
Hopefully he will realized that smoking is very very very dangerous for his health. Amin

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